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स्थापना १९६२

Anekant Education society's

Tuljaram Chaturchand College

of Arts, Science & Commerce, Baramati, Pune, MS, India.

Junior Section

Religious Minority Institute

स्थापना १९६१

Best College Award
Best Principal Award

Index Number- J-11.02.001
U-Dise No-27250211827

Guidance Centre

C.A. Foundation
Competitive Exams

Foreign Languages
Spoken English Course

Faculty of Commerce

Department Profile

The Department of Commerce at Tuljaram Chaturchand College Baramati. is committed to providing a comprehensive education in commerce and business studies. Established in 1977, the department has a rich history of academic excellence and a focus on practical, real-world applications.
                     We regularly conduct seminars, workshops, and guest lectures by experts from the industry to keep our students updated with the latest trends and developments. Our students have consistently excelled in academic and extracurricular activities, bringing laurels to the department and the institution. The department has been recognized for its contribution to commerce education, receiving awards and accolades from prestigious organizations. The Department of Commerce at Tuljaram Chaturchand College Baramati. is committed to excellence in education, research, and industry engagement, preparing students to be future leaders in the field of commerce and business.

Programs Offered:

  1. XI And XII Commerce (Marathi and English Medium)
  2. C.A Foundation Course

Vision And Mission


Our mission is to nurture students into competent professionals with a strong foundation in commerce, business, and entrepreneurship. We aim to provide an educational experience that combines theoretical knowledge with practical skills, preparing students for successful careers in the global business environment.

  1. To prepare a student for a career in business or to start a business enterprise of his /her own
  2. To provide a good foundation for students who planned to persue professional courses like C.A,CMA,C.S.
  3. To develop skills in the use of information technology for business.
  4. To provide knowledge of principles , practices, procedure ,ect about business trade and industry and if Relationship with the society.
  5. To develop basic skills needed to undertake differents commerce related activites.
  6. To build self- confidence and pro- active approach through personality development sessions.

Key Features

  1. Experienced Faculty: Our faculty members are experts in their respective fields, providing students with the latest insights and industry trends.
  2. Practical Learning: We emphasize practical learning through case studies, projects, and internships, ensuring that our students are well-prepared for the challenges of the business world.
  3. Global Perspective: We offer a curriculum that is globally relevant, preparing our students to compete in the international marketplace.
  4. Facilities:State-of-the-Art Classrooms: Our classrooms are equipped with modern teaching aids to facilitate effective learning.
  5. Computer Lab: We have a well-equipped computer lab with the latest software for Information Technology practical.
  6. Library: Our library has a vast collection of books, journals, and online resources related to commerce and business studies.

Teacher Profile

Name of the Teacher Designation Qualification
Shri. R.K.Gosavi (Subject Incharge) Teacher M.Com. , B.Ed , DTL , GDC&A
Mrs. A.N. Kakade Teacher M.Com., M.Phil. , B.Ed.
Mrs. V.A.Murumkar Teacher M.Com , B.Ed.
Mrs. R.S.Shah Teacher M.Com , B.Ed.
Mrs. H.A. Hasnain Teacher B.Com , LLB, C.S.
Miss. N.C. Modi Teacher M.Com , B.Ed

Visiting Faculty
Name of the Teacher Designation Qualification
Shri. M.G. Deshpande Teacher M.Com. , B.Ed ,

Department of English

Department Profile

The English Department at Tuljaram Chaturchand College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Baramati, established in 1977, comprises seven dedicated teachers committed to nurturing a passion for language, literature, and critical thinking. With a focus on academic excellence, our curriculum covers language skills, literature analysis, and creative writing, tailored to meet diverse student needs. Through innovative teaching methods, interactive activities, and literary events, we foster an engaging and supportive learning environment where students receive personalized attention and guidance to excel in English language and literature. Extracurricular opportunities like debate clubs and creative writing workshops further enhance students' language skills and creative talents, preparing them to thrive in a globally connected world.

Vision And Mission


Empower rural students with proficiency in English, fostering holistic development and global citizenship. Our Junior college English Department envisions a dynamic learning environment that nurtures creativity, critical thinking, and communication skills, enabling students to thrive in the interconnected world.


Dedicated to academic excellence, our mission is to provide inclusive and quality English education in a culturally rich rural setting. We aim to cultivate a love for literature, language, and effective communication, equipping students with the tools to navigate diverse academic and professional landscapes. Through innovative teaching methods, we aspire to bridge the urban-rural educational divide and empower every student to achieve their fullest potential.

Key Features

Interactive Teaching Methods:

Employ innovative and interactive teaching methods, including multimedia resources, group activities, and real-world applications, to engage students actively in the learning process and enhance their understanding of English language and literature.

Supportive Learning Environment:

Establish a supportive learning environment that encourages students to express themselves freely, fostering confidence and effective communication skills. Implement student-centered approaches to address individual learning styles and needs.

Professional Development for Educators:

Prioritize continuous professional development for English educators, equipping them with the latest teaching methodologies, technological tools, and strategies to create a dynamic and impactful learning experience for students in the higher secondary school English department.


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Teacher Profile

Name of the Teacher Designation Qualification
Smt. K.N. Doshi Teacher (Subject Incharge) M.A., B.Ed
Shri. K.H. Gaikwad Teacher M.A., B.Ed, M.Phil
Shri. Y.H. Sonna Teacher M.A., B.Ed
Mrs. S.A. Mangudkar Teacher M.A., M.Ed
Mrs. S.Y. Chandgude Teacher M.A., B.Ed, M.Phil
Mrs. P.M. Dalavi Teacher M.A., B.Ed
Miss. H.B. Bhosale Teacher M.A., B.Ed
Mrs. M.R. Waghmare Teacher M.A., M.Ed

Department of Marathi

Department Profile

कविवर्य मोरोपंत आणि श्रीधर स्वामी यांच्या पदस्पर्शाने पावन अशा बारामती नगरीत अनेकान्त एज्युकेशन सोसायटीचे तुळजाराम चतुरचंद महाविद्यालय हे गेल्या अनेक वर्षांपासून शैक्षणिक कार्यात भरीव असे योगदान देत आहे. इयत्ता अकरावी व बारावीच्या विद्यार्थ्यांची भाषिक कौशल्ये विकसित करण्यासाठी आणि त्यांच्या अंगभूत कलागुणांना वाव देण्यासाठी तज्ञ मार्गदर्शक, नामांकित कवी व लेखक यांच्या मार्गदर्शनाचा लाभ विद्यार्थ्यांना होतो. त्यामुळे विद्यार्थी लिहिते होतात, वाचते होतात आणि अभिव्यक्त होतात. तसेच विद्यार्थी स्वलिखित साहित्य निर्मितीकडे वळतात आणि दर्जेदार अशा साहित्य निर्मितीतून, कलेतून व वक्तृत्वातून आपला आविष्कार सादर करतात.

Vision And Mission

  • लेखन, वाचन, भाषण, संभाषण व गटचर्चा ही भाषिक कौशल्ये विद्यार्थ्यांमध्ये विकसित करणे.
  • विद्यार्थ्यांमध्ये नवनिर्मितीची (बातमी, अहवाल, सूत्रसंचालन, वृत्तलेख, मुद्रितशोधन, इत्यादी) रोजगाराभिमुख कौशल्ये विकसित करणे.
  • मराठी भाषेचा व तिच्या बोलीचा व्यवहारात अनुरूप उपयोग करून भाषेचे व बोलीचे संवर्धन करणे.
  • विद्यार्थ्यांना भाषिक कौशल्याद्वारे व्यक्त होण्यास प्रेरित करणे.
  • विद्यार्थ्यांना मराठी साहित्य निर्मितीसाठी प्रेरणा देणे.
  • भाषण व संभाषणाच्या माध्यमातून विद्यार्थ्यांमध्ये सभाधीटपणा बाणविणे.
  • राष्ट्र उभारणीसाठी सामाजिक, सांस्कृतिक व राष्ट्रीय मूल्यांचे भान असणारा सुसंस्कृत व जबाबदार असा नागरिक निर्माण करणे.

Key Features

  • शैक्षणिक प्रशासन – (समन्वयक, कर्मवीर जयंती समिती -कार्यवाह)
  • मराठी वाड्.मय मंडळ
  • पद्मभूषण डॉ. कर्मवीर भाऊराव पाटील संयुक्त जयंती समिती
  • कविवर्य मोरोपंत वक्तृत्व स्पर्धा
  • रेडिओ जॉकी (वसुंधरा वाहिनी)
  • सूत्रसंचालन
  • अनेकान्त आविष्कार


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Teacher Profile

Name of the Teacher Designation Qualification
Shri. S.P.Shende Teacher (Subject Incharge)
Arts & Commerce Co-ordinator
M.A., B.Ed
Shri. B.N Kumbhar Teacher M.A., B.Ed
Shri. R.R.More Teacher M.A., B.Ed
Mrs. S.A.Kadam Teacher M.A., B.Ed
Mrs. M.G.Zurunge Teacher M.A., B.Ed, M.Phil

Department of Hindi

Department Profile

अनेकान्त एज्युकेशन सोसाइटी द्वारा संचालित तुळजाराम चतुरचंद महाविद्यालय के कनिष्ठ विभाग की स्थापना सन 1976 में हुई ।इसी वर्ष से कनिष्ठ विभाग में कला ,वाणिज्य और शास्त्र शाखा के अंतर्गत विभिन्न विषयों को पढ़ाने की शुरुआत की गई। हिंदी विषय पढ़ाने की शुरुआत सन 1976 से शुरू हुई ।तब से हिंदी विषय निरंतर एक-एक पदान करके आगे बढ़ रहा है। हिंदी भारत की राष्ट्रभाषा हैं और इस भाषा के प्रचार-प्रसार के साथ-साथ छात्रों में रुचि बढ़ाने हेतु हिंदी काव्य वाचन प्रतियोगिता ,हिंदी दिवस समारोह ,विशेषज्ञ मार्गदर्शकों के व्याख्यानों का आयोजन किया जाता है| आज महाविद्यालय के छात्र अलग-अलग पदों पर कार्यरत हैं।

Vision And Mission

  • शिक्षा के द्वारा ज्ञान वृद्धि करना साथ ही मानवीय गुणों का सामाजिक, सांस्कृतिक, धार्मिक ,राजनीतिक एवं आर्थिक दृष्टि से विकास करना ।
  • हिंदी को विश्व स्तर पर बढ़ावा देना ,सांस्कृतिक विकास को प्रोत्साहित करने की दिशा देना।
  • हिंदी भाषा और साहित्य को समाज परिवर्तन के स्थान तक पहुँचाना।
  • भाषा के प्रचार-प्रसार को बढ़ावा देना और भाषा को आर्थिक और सामाजिक क्षेत्र में अग्रणी बनाना।
  • हिंदी साहित्य द्वारा मानवीय मूल्यों का विकास करना ।
  • हिंदी भाषा और साहित्य के माध्यम से देश के समुदाय और जन-जन को जोड़ना।
  • भाषा ,साहित्य और सांस्कृतिक विकास को बढ़ावा देना।
  • हिंदी भाषा से संबंधित कार्यों को प्रोत्साहित करना।

Key Features

  • तुळजाराम चतुरचंद महाविद्यालय के कनिष्ठ विभाग में यह विभाग क्रियाशील हैं |
  • विभाग से उत्तीर्ण छात्र विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में कार्य कर रहे हैं |
  • व्यावहारिक हिंदी से रोजगार के लिए मार्गदर्शन|


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Teacher Profile

Name of the Teacher Designation Qualification
Shri. K.R. Bhosale Teacher (Subject Incharge) M.A., B.Ed , M.Phil

Bookkeeping and Accounting

Department Profile

The Department of Commerce at Tuljaram Chaturchand College Baramati. is committed to providing a comprehensive education in commerce and business studies. Established in 1977, the department has a rich history of academic excellence and a focus on practical, real-world applications.
                     We regularly conduct seminars, workshops, and guest lectures by experts from the industry to keep our students updated with the latest trends and developments. Our students have consistently excelled in academic and extracurricular activities, bringing laurels to the department and the institution. The department has been recognized for its contribution to commerce education, receiving awards and accolades from prestigious organizations. The Department of Commerce at Tuljaram Chaturchand College Baramati. Is committed to excellence in education, research, and industry engagement, preparing students to be future leaders in the field of commerce and business.

Programs Offered:

  1. XI And XII Commerce (Marathi and English Medium)
  2. C.A Foundation Course

Vision And Mission


Our mission is to nurture students into competent professionals with a strong foundation in commerce, business, and entrepreneurship. We aim to provide an educational experience that combines theoretical knowledge with practical skills, preparing students for successful careers in the global business environment.

  1. To prepare a student for a career in business or to starts a business enterprise of his /her own
  2. To provide a good foundation for students who planned to persue professional courses like C.A,CMA,C.S.
  3. To develop skills in the use of information technology for business.
  4. To provide knowledge of principles , practices, procedure ,ect about business trade and industry and if Relationship with the society.
  5. To develop basic skills needed to undertake differents commerce related activites.
  6. To build self- confidence and pro- active approach through personality development sessions.

Key Features

  • BK is the fundamental subject of commerce. Most courses of commerce have BK as one of theprimary subjects.
  • Finance is the core of any business. It is difficult to understand finance without the basic knowledge ofaccounts.
  • All organizations have to regularly maintain books of accounts and file income tax returns. All these organizations require qualified accountants to finalize their books of accounts.
  • Accounts is required everywhere from household budget to national budget.
  • The basic role of accounting is to provide relevant financial information to the businessmen and the Shareholders.


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Business Organisation and Management

Department Profile

The Department of Commerce at Tuljaram Chaturchand College Baramati. is committed to providing a comprehensive education in commerce and business studies. Established in 1977, the department has a rich history of academic excellence and a focus on practical, real-world applications.
                     We regularly conduct seminars, workshops, and guest lectures by experts from the industry to keep our students updated with the latest trends and developments. Our students have consistently excelled in academic and extracurricular activities, bringing laurels to the department and the institution. The department has been recognized for its contribution to commerce education, receiving awards and accolades from prestigious organizations. The Department of Commerce at Tuljaram Chaturchand College Baramati. Is committed to excellence in education, research, and industry engagement, preparing students to be future leaders in the field of commerce and business.

Programs Offered:

  1. XI And XII Commerce (Marathi and English Medium)
  2. C.A Foundation Course

Vision And Mission


Our mission is to nurture students into competent professionals with a strong foundation in commerce, business, and entrepreneurship. We aim to provide an educational experience that combines theoretical knowledge with practical skills, preparing students for successful careers in the global business environment.

  1. To prepare a student for a career in business or to starts a business enterprise of his /her own
  2. To provide a good foundation for students who planned to persue professional courses like C.A,CMA,C.S.
  3. To develop skills in the use of information technology for business.
  4. To provide knowledge of principles , practices, procedure ,ect about business trade and industry and if Relationship with the society.
  5. To develop basic skills needed to undertake differents commerce related activites.
  6. To build self- confidence and pro- active approach through personality development sessions.

Key Features

  • To know the process of business and its environment.
  • To acquaint students with the dynamic nature and inter-dependent aspect of business.
  • To help the students to understand the economic & social significance of business activity.
  • To acquaint students with the practice of managing the operations and resources of business.
  • To enable the students to be aware of socio- economic and ethical dimensions of business.
  • To acquire with the knowledge of new trends in the field of business.
  • To enhance the interest of students at industrial & commercial visit.


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Department of Economics

Department Profile

The junior department of Tuljaram Chatuchand Mahavidyalaya, run by Anekant Education Society, was established in 1977. From this year itself, teaching of various subjects under Arts, Commerce and Science branch was started in the junior department. Teaching of Economics subject started from 1977. Since then Economics subject is continuously progressing. Economics is the global level of subject. There fore our economics department conduct different activities such as Economics model competition, Discussion on budgets, Guest lectures etc. These activities are organized to increase interest among the students and as a result. today the students of the college are working at verious posts.

Vision And Mission


To increase knowledge through educations as well as to develop human qualities from social,cultural,religious,political and economics point of view.

To promote the Economic and social fields.

  • To develop human knowledge through Economics study.
  • Connecting the community and people of the country through Economics.
  • To promote Economic growth and development.
  • Encouraging works related to Global economics.

Key Features

  • Excellent Results.
  • Student centric learning in the form of projects, Seminars, Guest lectures.
  • Qualified and experienced faculty.
  • Visits to industries for study of field work and to get the Marketing knowledge.


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Teacher Profile

Name of the Teacher Designation Qualification
Shri. V.P.Dudhe Teacher (Subject Incharge) M.A., B.Ed
Shri. S.G.Karande Teacher M.A., B.Ed
Mrs. S.V.Bankar Teacher M.A., B.Ed

Secretarial Practice

Department Profile

The Department of Commerce at Tuljaram Chaturchand College Baramati. is committed to providing a comprehensive education in commerce and business studies. Established in 1977, the department has a rich history of academic excellence and a focus on practical, real-world applications.
                     We regularly conduct seminars, workshops, and guest lectures by experts from the industry to keep our students updated with the latest trends and developments. Our students have consistently excelled in academic and extracurricular activities, bringing laurels to the department and the institution. The department has been recognized for its contribution to commerce education, receiving awards and accolades from prestigious organizations. The Department of Commerce at Tuljaram Chaturchand College Baramati. Is committed to excellence in education, research, and industry engagement, preparing students to be future leaders in the field of commerce and business.

Programs Offered:

  1. XI And XII Commerce (Marathi and English Medium)
  2. C.A Foundation Course

Vision And Mission


Our mission is to nurture students into competent professionals with a strong foundation in commerce, business, and entrepreneurship. We aim to provide an educational experience that combines theoretical knowledge with practical skills, preparing students for successful careers in the global business environment.

  1. To prepare a student for a career in business or to starts a business enterprise of his /her own
  2. To provide a good foundation for students who planned to persue professional courses like C.A,CMA,C.S.
  3. To develop skills in the use of information technology for business.
  4. To provide knowledge of principles , practices, procedure ,ect about business trade and industry and if Relationship with the society.
  5. To develop basic skills needed to undertake differents commerce related activites.
  6. To build self- confidence and pro- active approach through personality development sessions.

Key Features

  • The subject ‘Secretarial Practice’ includes knowledge, skills, procedure and methods of work to be performed by personal as well as institutional secretary.
  • It provides essential skills in office administration, organization, time management and communication.
  • Students pursuing knowledge of ‘Secretarial Practice’ subject can look forward to a career in MNCs, Government Department, Personal Assistance, Office Management, clerical operations etc.
  • It deals with the business world’s largest and the most popular form of commercial enterprizes viz. the Joint Stock Company, incorporation of a company, its management, role of company secretary, etc.
  • It also deals with the working of Joint Stock Company by focusing on the methods used by a company to raise capital by issuing Shares, Debentures, Public Deposits, etc. in the financial market.
  • Business Correspondence is also one of the important feature of ‘Secretarial Practice


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Department Profile

The Department of Commerce at Tuljaram Chaturchand College Baramati. is committed to providing a comprehensive education in commerce and business studies. Established in 1977, the department has a rich history of academic excellence and a focus on practical, real-world applications.
                     We regularly conduct seminars, workshops, and guest lectures by experts from the industry to keep our students updated with the latest trends and developments. Our students have consistently excelled in academic and extracurricular activities, bringing laurels to the department and the institution. The department has been recognized for its contribution to commerce education, receiving awards and accolades from prestigious organizations. The Department of Commerce at Tuljaram Chaturchand College Baramati. Is committed to excellence in education, research, and industry engagement, preparing students to be future leaders in the field of commerce and business.

Programs Offered:

  1. XI And XII Commerce (Marathi and English Medium)
  2. C.A Foundation Course

Vision And Mission


Our mission is to nurture students into competent professionals with a strong foundation in commerce, business, and entrepreneurship. We aim to provide an educational experience that combines theoretical knowledge with practical skills, preparing students for successful careers in the global business environment.

  1. To prepare a student for a career in business or to starts a business enterprise of his /her own
  2. To provide a good foundation for students who planned to persue professional courses like C.A,CMA,C.S.
  3. To develop skills in the use of information technology for business.
  4. To provide knowledge of principles , practices, procedure ,ect about business trade and industry and if Relationship with the society.
  5. To develop basic skills needed to undertake differents commerce related activites.
  6. To build self- confidence and pro- active approach through personality development sessions.

Key Features

  • Open Membership
  • Voluntary Association
  • State Control
  • Sources of finance
  • Democratic Management
  • Service Motive
  • Distribution of Surplus
  • Self- help through Mutual Co-operation
  • Nature of formation
  • Number of members
  • Legal Entity


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Department Profile

Since its establishment in 1972, our Department of Mathematics has been a beacon of academic excellence in our rural area. We provide students with a strong foundation in mathematics, aiming to improve their mathematical, numerical, and conceptual strength and quality, particularly those admitted in 11th and 12th. Our alumni have excelled in academia and various industries, both nationally and internationally. With our commitment to excellence and nurturing environment, we continue to inspire and empower future minds, ensuring that the legacy of mathematical brilliance thrives in our community. Our main objective is to increase the literacy rate in math and demonstrate how to use math in daily life.

Vision And Mission


Students can learn and become competent users of mathematics and its applications in various disciplines .

  • To provide platform to acquire abilities to evaluate problems using Analytical / Numerical / Graphical techniques.
  • To provide a background for relating mathematical techniques.
  • To become confident in using mathematics to analysis and solve problems both in academic and in real life situations.

Key Features

  • Use of digital classroom for teaching.
  • CA foundation coaching.
  • Coaching for competitive exams.
  • Strengthening mathematical foundations through bridge course.


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Teacher Profile

Name of the Teacher Designation Qualification
Shri. G.T.More Teacher (Subject Incharge)
Science & Vocational Co-ordinator
M.Sc , B.Ed.
Shri. S.S.Manjare Teacher M.Sc , B.Ed.
Shri. P.D.Pawar Teacher M.Sc , B.Ed. M.A(in Education) D.S.M
Shri. A.D.Madane Teacher M.Sc , B.Ed.
Mrs. K.R.Wable Teacher M.Sc , B.Ed.
Mrs. S.J.Khane Teacher M.Sc , B.Ed.
Mrs. K.B.Atole Teacher M.Sc , B.Ed.
Miss. S.C. Ghadge Teacher M.Sc
Miss. S.D Markale Teacher M.Sc SET
Mrs. Y.K. Khade Teacher M.Sc , B.Ed.
Mr. J.S. Doshi Teacher M.Sc

Department of Information Technology

Department Profile

The subject of information technology was included in the syllabus of class 11th and 12th. Today's era is the age of information technology. Computer and Internet are being used very fast in every field and Information Technology is known as the basic subject of 21th century. Recognizing the importance of IT, the Government of Maharashtra has given priority to this subject by announcing the Information Technology Policy since 1998. Realizing the unique importance of information technology in various professional study programs after standard 12th, if the students get the basic knowledge of this subject at the +2 level, it will be more useful to them while developing the curriculum, keeping in mind the changing needs of the times and the overall development of the students + 2 level etc. in order for the students to attain the expected study level of Information Technology subject. The inclusion of 100 marks study sequence Information Technology in the syllabus of 11th and 12th Commerce in Tuljaram Chaturchand College , Baramati from the academic year 2001-2002. After completing 12th in Information Technology benefits are

  1. Eligible B.Com.
  2. Eligible for BBA
  3. Eligible for BCA
  4. Eligible for Diploma in Taxation Lows (DTL)

Vision And Mission

Vision And Mission
  1. The department of Information Technology vision is to create technically competent and skilled IT professionals specifically from the rural area of Baramati to meet the current challenges of the computing industry.
  2. The Mission of Department of Information Technology is to provide quality education in Information Technology to students from rural areas.

Key Features

  1. Information Technology enables communication through various channels such as email, instant messaging, video conferencing, and social media platforms.
  2. IT includes measures to protect data and systems from unauthorized access, ensuring the privacy of information.
  3. Software Development: IT encompasses the creation and maintenance of software applications for a wide range of purposes.
  4. Tally: Tally is a great business and finance tool that you can use in your organization to unlock more opportunities to hack growth.According to Tally, their business management software solution is helping more than 2 million businesses worldwide.


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Teacher Profile

Name of the Teacher Designation Qualification
Miss. R.M. Chaudhari Teacher (Subject Incharge) M.Sc.(Comp.Sci.)
Shri. P.R.Yadav Teacher M.C.A
Miss. K.A.Shah Teacher M.Sc.(Comp.Sci.)
Mrs. A.R.Jagtap Teacher M.Sc.(Comp.Sci.)
Mrs. K.A.Bhapkar Teacher M.Sc.(Comp.Sci.)
Mrs. A.V.Khatal Teacher B.Sc.,MCM.
Mrs. M.L.Masal Teacher M.Sc.(Comp.Sci.)
Mrs. S.V.Khalate Teacher M.Sc.(Comp.Sci.)
Mrs. S.A. Jamdade Teacher M.C.A

Physical Education

Department Profile

The Department of Physical Education was established in 1977 and now Prof. Ashok Hanumant Deokar is working as subject head. The college administration has provided 17 acres of land for the physical education department.

In 1979 we have constructed gymkhana building. A spacious playground with a 400 meter running track was constructed with government grants and investment from the society. Volleyball Court, Basketball Court, Netball Court, Korfball Court, Targetball Court, Football Ground, Kabaddi and Kho-Kho Grounds have been constructed.

A separate gymnasium has been constructed through the grant of the society. An office, a store room and two halls were also constructed in the second building.

A walled compound has been built around the playground and trees have been planted in it to maintain environmental balance.

Gymnasium - Fully equipped with state of the art machinery required for gymnasium purposes. The institute has allowed all the students to exercise in the free exercise school so that they can maintain their health. This is done to maximize the use of these facilities by all the students.

Athletes representing our college from 1977 to till 2024 have won many accolades for our college at National, Khelo India Youth Games and State level. The college successfully organized the Maharashtra State Level Baseball and Netball Championship. Under the Sports Departmental Division and district level competitions were also organized by the college. The institution always supports to ensure that the college sports grounds are always full of sportsmen.

Vision And Misssion


To advance cutting-edge, sports-specific research, educate current and future sports professionals, improve the physical and emotional lives of current and former athletes, and harness the power of sport to inspire positive social change.



  • WE EDUCATE current and future professionals in all areas of the sports industry.
  • WE IMPROVE the emotional and physical lives of athletes by advancing cutting-edge sports research and health services.
  • WE INSPIRE social change by promoting the powerful impact of sports and the role of athletes in communities.

Key Features

  • Job opportunities in different Departments through sports quota.
  • Job opportunities in different Departments as a Coach.
  • Fitness Instructor & Trainer.
  • Selection Committee Member.
  • Job opportunities in different Schools & Colleges as a Physical Director and Physical Instructor.


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Teacher Profile

Name of the Teacher Designation Qualification
Shri. A.H. Deokar Teacher (Subject Incharge) M.A. , M.Ed.
Mrs. J.A. Udawant Teacher B.C.A. , M.B.A , B.P.Ed.

Department of Environment Education & Water Security

Department Profile

महाराष्ट्र राज्य अभ्यासक्रम आराखडा 2010 (SCF 2010) राष्ट्रीय अभ्यासक्रम आराखडा 2005 नुसार तयार करण्यात आला आहे. माननीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालयाने (SC) शिक्षणाच्या सर्व स्तरांवर पर्यावरण शिक्षण (EE) अनिवार्य करण्याचे निर्देश दिले. SC ने दिलेल्या निर्देशांनंतर, Environment Education हा 11वी आणि 12वी इयत्तेत वेगळा आणि अनिवार्य विषय करण्याचा निर्णय घेण्यात आला आहे.

यामध्ये पर्यावरणाच्या प्रमुख संकल्पनांचा समावेश आहे जे सहकार्यात्मक शिक्षण आणि समूह क्रियाकलापांना प्रोत्साहन देतात. रचनावादी दृष्टीकोन आणि क्रियाकलापांवर आधारित अध्यापन करण्यात येते. अभ्यासक्रमाच्या आशयाशी संबंधित चित्रांसह ज्ञाननिर्मिती सुलभ करण्यासाठी सामग्री श्रेणीबद्ध पद्धतीने सादर केली गेली आहे. पर्यावरणाचे संरक्षण आणि काळजी, जैवविविधता, नैसर्गिक संसाधने आणि आपत्तींचे व्यवस्थापन यासाठीच्या उपाययोजनांवर विविध कृतीच्या माध्यमातून विद्यार्थ्यांना त्याचे महत्त्व सांगितले जाते. शाश्वत विकास समजून घेणे सुलभ करण्यासाठी विषय समाविष्ट केले आहेत. सामाजिक, पर्यावरणीय आणि आर्थिक समस्यांच्या परस्परसंवादी प्रक्रिया आणि त्या सोडवण्याचे मार्ग सादर केले आहेत.

विविध विषयांशी संबंधित पर्यावरणीय केस स्टडीचाही विचार केला आहे. अभ्यासक्रमाच्या व्यवहारादरम्यान ते लागू करण्याचा प्रयत्न करण्यास प्रोत्साहित केले जाते. अभ्यासक्रम शिकण्याचे मुख्य साधन म्हणून विद्यार्थ्यांच्या क्रियाकलापांवर भर देतो. उच्च माध्यमिक टप्प्यावर, पर्यावरणाच्या दिशेने सक्रिय क्रिया सुरू ठेवण्यासाठी, प्रकल्प आणि सिद्धांत परीक्षा-आधारित मूल्यमापन मोडमध्ये मुख्य अभ्यासक्रम अनिवार्य अभ्यासक्रम मानला जातो,

असा दृष्टिकोन व्यावहारिक पर्यावरणीय समस्या समजून घेण्यास मदत करेल आणि सध्याच्या समस्यांचे निराकरण करण्यासाठी विद्यार्थ्यांची प्रेरणा आणि योगदान देखील वाढवेल. वेगवेगळे उदाहरणात्मक उपक्रम आणि प्रकल्प कार्य (परंतु मर्यादित नाही) व्यावहारिक पर्यावरणीय समस्यांना एक्सपोजर देतात. प्रकल्प-आधारित शिक्षणामुळे चांगले, संवेदनशील, तर्कशुद्ध नागरिक घडवून आणण्यासाठी शिकण्याची खात्री होईल. विद्यार्थ्यांना आणि शिक्षकांना पर्यावरणाप्रती जबाबदारीने समजून घेण्यास आणि कृती करण्यास मदत करेल.

Vision And Mission

  • जाणीवजागृती : सामाजिक गट व व्यक्तीस संपूर्ण पर्यावरण व त्याच्याशी संबंधीत असलेल्या समस्यांचे जाणीव निर्माण करण्यास मदत करणे.
  • ज्ञान : पर्यावरणाशी संबंधित असलेली मुल्ये व्यक्ती व समाज गटाने आत्मसात करावी यासाठी साहाय्य करणे.
  • वर्तन : पर्यावरण सुधारणा, पर्यावरणाचे संरक्षण यात सक्रिय भाग घेण्यास व्यक्ती व समाज गटाचे वर्तन असावे यासाठी त्याला प्रवृत्त करणे.
  • कौशल्य : पर्यावरणाच्या समस्या ओळखणे व त्या सोडविणे याबाबतचे कौशल्य समाजगट व व्यक्तीने संपादित करावे यासाठी मदत करणे.
  • सहभाग : पर्यावरणाच्या समस्या सोडविण्यासाठी समाज गट व व्यक्तीस सक्रिय भाग घेण्यास संधी उपलब्ध करुन देणे.


XI & XII Syllabus Pdf
Marathi Medium
XI & XII Syllabus Pdf
English Medium
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Teacher Profile

Name of the Teacher Designation Qualification
Mrs. A.R.Patil Teacher (Subject Incharge) M.Sc. , B.Ed.